My How Tos... Tips/Gadgets for beginners like me!

So as you know I am a new camper! (Well at least as being solely responsible for a camper and set up etc., vs being a guest!)  On this page I will include things I learn and gadgets I acquire that I find helpful, practical, or just plain fun! 

My parents had a 'toaster' that cooked toast over the gas burners which worked well.  (Although it is not as good as 'pan toast,' buttered bread fried in a cast iron skillet!) I am happy to have found one really reasonably priced, $13 ish.

I also have been a little paranoid about the idea that someone could hitch onto my camper and drive away with it... so I bought a hitch lock...  Not sure how helpful this really is if someone really wants to steal the camper, but... it makes me feel better!  This one was just under $20.

This one is near and dear to my heart.... I had been looking online for one... and then my dad told me he had one I could have... so it means even more!  I now have my very own REFLECTOR OVEN!   If you have not used one, it is something worth exploring, especially if you are a baker.  These ovens sit next to the fire and the heat from the fire circulates in a way that it bakes things.  I have not used one in ages, so I am sure there will be a huge learning curve, but I am looking forward to learning!
(Pic coming soon!)

Many campgrounds require quarters for showering... (or so I have been told!)  Here's a little trick for you... keep quarters in a prescription medication bottle.  This bottle is, I think, a typical prescription bottle,  and it holds about $11 in quarters.  Keep it in your vehicle or camper, or even better, in your shower caddy! (This is a trick my parents used!)

I featured this in the Abol Bridge Campground blog.  A great way to have extra storage in my tent camper!
Click here for the link to this. 

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Poland Spring Campground

Campground: Poland Spring Campground Contact Info:  207-998-2151 128 Connor Lane (P.O. Box 409) Poland, ME 04274 https://www....