Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Welcome to Camp2Kayak!

 I love to kayak and have been on a mission to kayak new places so that I can share them with people!  (Okay, I kayak for selfish reasons, the peace and joy it brings me, but I also love to share my trips with others so that they too can enjoy!)  I live near Portland, Maine and have paddled A LOT of places close to home. (I even wrote a book about it with my co-author Sandy Moore!) There are places I hear about or places I see that intrigue me for kayaking, but they are a bit too far from home to do in a day trip, so... I bought a camper! 

This blog will be a way for me to share destinations for camping with you.  I will also try to share things that I learn along the way.  (I have already learned A LOT!)  I will also try to create some helpful lists, for beginners like me,  to help get you started!

Here's a little about me and  the story of how this came about! 

Hi All!  I'm Kim, a.k.a. MaineKayakGirl

 This is my sidekick, Gladys, a.k.a. MaineKayakDog.  She is a rescue pup, supposedly part Aussie part Great Pyranese.  This is my second summer with her and so far she does well in the kayak.  I think this summer she will spend a lot more time in the bow as I plan to bring her on more adventures!  


As my love of kayaking has grown and my desire to go more places I began thinking   about getting a camper.   For those who follow my kayaking blog you know I do a lot of paddling solo.   I am happy doing things by myself, but the idea of being in the woods solo made me a little nervous.  So I began thinking about getting a dog.  That way I would at least know if someone or something was about to kill me!  But... I am allergic to dogs... at least that's what allergy testing showed several years ago.  That same testing did not show any allergies to cats, but I have cats, and think, over time I have become sensitive to them so I figured a dog may cause me to have a small reaction but probably not major... so I fostered a few dogs to see how my allergies would do AND to see if I really wanted a dog... turns out I did want a dog.  True confession: I am not a dog person.  I do not like all dogs in fact some dogs make me nervous, but... I AM a Gladys person.  

So... As I thought about getting a camper I knew I wanted a tent camper... which apparently are really called pop ups... I still like tent camper because it really is a tent that is of the ground with a bit more structure.  For the last couple of years I have kept my eye on the classified ads to see if a gently used tent camper would pop up.  (See what I did there?!) I was surprised at the cost of campers that were 20 years least those  that were in good shape were still a substantial amount of money... 
On a whim I looked at dealerships to see how much a new one would cost.  I found one on sale... Last Friday I went to look at it but was pretty certain I wanted it and would come home with it.  I am VERY tall... and wanted to make sure that I didn't feel like the hunchback of Notre Dame when I was inside.  I checked it out... And... I brought it home!  

There is a bit of a learning curve trying to drive a trailer!  Well, the driving part is pretty simple... but the backing up... that is a challenge! 
Anyone who tells you it is easy is, well, either really rare or full of crap!  On my way home with it for the first time I did manage to back it up into the parking space at a truckstop... but that was because there were very few trucks around and I could pretty much drive in a circle and then have to back up almost straight!  Then, I got home... and had to get it backed into my yard... 

97.5 turns later... I got it done! 

 It was not smooth, but I stayed calm...and was relieved nobody was watching me!  
Saturday I had a kayaking event so I didn't do anything with the camper, but wanted to get it set up and loaded for my adventures... 
 I also knew I needed to do more practice backing up... so... I got up Sunday morning and hooked onto it.  (While it seems pretty basic to attach a trailer to a ball hitch, I learned that I had to move the latch thingy on the top... which seems easy enough... but I messed with it a bit... I had lowered it onto my hitch but it didn't look right... until I managed to move that handle and then it went down over the ball pretty easily!  I will try to get a video and add it to the post.  (Seems simple to people who do it all the time, but for me, it didn't seem to be a no brainer!) 

(By the way, when parked I put a padlock on the hitch to try to prevent anyone from driving off with it.  A friend told me they actually have hitch locks... I will probably look into it, but this works for now! 

 So I hooked it up, plugged in the cord for the electric and brakes and drove to a place to practice backing up.  I thought about going to Walmart or Lowes but thought there may be people already out shopping, so decided to go to a movie theater parking lot.  It was perfect!  I was the only person there.  I practiced... A LOT... and I am not perfect yet.  I have a lot more practicing to do... but when I brought it home I managed to get it backed into my  yard with  about a 45 point turn.. better than the first time.  It is still not instinctual for me... I hope it gets there!  

Then I came home and set it up for the first time!  OH... that reminds me.. as I was opening it I noticed one of the latches on the camper was missing a part... This is the latches as they should look while in transit. 
 the back latches did not come with those ring pin things.  I had asked about that and was told they weren't needed.  Well... when I went to set it up, I noticed one of the back latches had somehow/somewhere lost part of the hardware.  (A new one is supposedly on its way to me from the dealership! ) INSIST that every latch has one of those pins.  

I got it set up!! 

It wasn't too bad!  I used the manual of course... and have added some notes for myself to add.  (I will make a list and share it at some point here!)  

Gladys seemed to like it. Although I think she would be happy to be outside no matter what she was attached to! 

She is so pretty! 

So Sunday I puttered around the camper to get it loaded up... I had tried to make a list of things I needed for the camper. I am sure I have forgotten things or don't know about certain things... but I think I am pretty well stocked at this point.  (dishes, silverware, tin foil, etc.) I will try to share some lists of things I have included in the camper so that other people may use them. I did not take pictures of what /how I packed but I will try to do that when I unpack at my first adventure.  (I just closed it up because rain is coming!) 

 Gadys seems to like being inside too... 

I have reservations for my first adventure.   It is one I will do without Gladys because I want to go and make sure I have what I need and am also going to a place where I expect to see a lot of wildlife and Gladys has not seen deer/moose from the kayak and I am a bit nervous about how she would do.  But future trips will include her!  (I promise!)  

I will update you on where I camp and how things go and what I learn along the way!  

Are you a camper too? I would LOVE to hear from you!  Let me know where you think I should go camping and suggest paddling places nearby if you can!  You can leave a comment or send me an email at 

Happy Camping! 

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Poland Spring Campground

Campground: Poland Spring Campground Contact Info:  207-998-2151 128 Connor Lane (P.O. Box 409) Poland, ME 04274 https://www....